Jumat, 29 Oktober 2021

Semangat Pagi

Di kala kesedihan, kegundahan melingkupi diri,  berupayalah untuk berbuat baik, selalu berkhuznudhan,
In syaa Allah semua akan serasa  mendapatkan kebahagiaan, karena
Kebaikan itu sebaik namanya, dan keramahan itu seramah namanya, 
Selamat beraktifitas, semoga kita tetap sehat dan pandai bersyukur.

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2021

Permendikbud No 15 Tahun 2018 Pemenuhan Beban Kerja Guru, Kepala Sekolah, Dan Pengawas Sekolah

 Permendikbud No 15 Tahun 2018 Pemenuhan Beban Kerja Guru, Kepala Sekolah, Dan  Pengawas Sekolah, untuk melaksanakan ketentuan Pasal 15 ayat (8), Pasal 52 ayat (3), Pasal 53, dan Pasal 54 ayat (4) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 tentang Guru sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 tentang Guru, perlu menetapkan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan tentang Pemenuhan Beban Kerja Guru, Kepala Sekolah, dan Pengawas Sekolah;

Pasal 2
(1) Guru, Kepala Sekolah, dan Pengawas Sekolah melaksanakan beban kerja selama 40 (empat puluh) jam dalam 1 (satu) minggu pada satuan administrasi pangkal.
(2) Beban kerja selama 40 (empat puluh) jam dalam 1 (satu) minggu sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) terdiri atas 37,5 (tiga puluh tujuh koma lima) jam kerja efektif dan 2,5 (dua koma lima) jam istirahat.
(3) Dalam hal diperlukan, sekolah dapat menambah jam istirahat yang tidak mengurangi jam kerja efektif sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2).

Pasal 3
(1) Pelaksanaan beban kerja selama 37,5 (tiga puluh tujuh koma lima) jam kerja efektif sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 2 ayat (2) bagi Guru mencakup kegiatan pokok: a. merencanakan pembelajaran atau pembimbingan;
b. melaksanakan pembelajaran atau pembimbingan; c. menilai hasil pembelajaran atau pembimbingan; d. membimbing dan melatih peserta didik; dan e. melaksanakan tugas tambahan yang melekat pada pelaksanaan kegiatan pokok sesuai dengan Beban Kerja Guru. (
2) Pemenuhan beban kerja sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf b dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan intrakurikuler, kokurikuler, dan ekstrakurikuler.

Pasal 4
(1) Merencanakan pembelajaran atau pembimbingan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 ayat (1) huruf a meliputi:  a. pengkajian kurikulum dan silabus pembelajaran/ pembimbingan/program kebutuhan khusus pada satuan pendidikan;  b. pengkajian program tahunan dan semester; dan c. pembuatan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran/pembimbingan sesuai standar proses atau rencana pelaksanaan pembimbingan.
(2) Melaksanakan pembelajaran atau pembimbingan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 ayat (1) huruf b merupakan pelaksanaan dari Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)/Rencana Pelaksanaan Layanan (RPL)/Rencana Pelaksanaan Bimbingan (RPB).
(3) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) dipenuhi paling sedikit 24 (dua puluh empat) jam Tatap Muka per minggu dan paling banyak 40 (empat puluh) jam Tatap Muka per minggu.
(4) Pelaksanaan pembimbingan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) dipenuhi oleh Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling atau Guru Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dengan membimbing paling sedikit 5 (lima) rombongan belajar per tahun.
(5) Menilai hasil pembelajaran atau pembimbingan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 ayat (1) huruf c merupakan proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan

informasi untuk mengukur pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik pada aspek sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan.
(6) Membimbing dan melatih peserta didik sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 ayat (1) huruf d dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan kokurikuler dan/atau kegiatan ekstrakurikuler.
(7) Tugas tambahan yang melekat pada pelaksanaan tugas pokok sesuai dengan beban kerja Guru sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 ayat (1) huruf e meliputi: a. wakil kepala satuan pendidikan; b. ketua program keahlian satuan pendidikan; c. kepala perpustakaan satuan pendidikan; d. kepala laboratorium, bengkel, atau unit produksi/ teaching factory satuan pendidikan; e. pembimbing khusus pada satuan pendidikan yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan inklusif atau pendidikan terpadu; atau f. tugas tambahan selain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a sampai dengan huruf e yang terkait dengan pendidikan di satuan pendidikan.
(8) Tugas tambahan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (7) huruf a sampai dengan huruf e dilaksanakan pada satuan administrasi pangkalnya.

Link Download :

Permendikbud 15 tahun 2018 : https://bit.ly/3pnQWbF

Lampiran I : https://bit.ly/3nkNHii

Lampran II : https://bit.ly/3aXuYDS

Lampiran III : https://bit.ly/3aXXdSL

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2021

Definition of Procedure Text


Definition of Procedure Text

There are three definitions of procedure text :

1)      Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction/operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax.

2)      Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules.

3)      Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g how to live happily, how to succeed

Generic Structure of Procedure Text

ü  Goal : (e.g: How to make a cup of coffee)

ü  Material or Ingredient : (e.g: the material to cook omelet are egg, onion, vegetable oil, etc.)

ü   Step : (e.g: first, wash the tomatoes, onion, …., second cut onions becomes slice. . . )

Purpose of Procedure Text

·         To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps.

·         To explain steps/instructions to make/operate/do something

Language Feature of Procedure Text

ü  Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last)

ü  Use command / imperative sentence (e.g: put the noodles on the . . ., cut the onion. . ., wash the tomatoes. . . )

ü  Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurately, for example, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.

ü  Using action verbs, e.g: make, take, boil, cook.

ü  Using Simple Present Tense

Example :

How to upload video on youtube


 How to make a cup of coffee


How to make seblak




½ of avocado

3 tbs. of condensed milk

1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings

some ice cubes

How to make it:

1. Cut the avocado into small pieces.

2. Put ice cubes into the glass.

3. Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings.

4. Add the sliced avocado.

5. Add the condensed milk on the top of the avocado.

6. MIXED ICE is ready to be served.

Taken from: www.azcentral.com/12news/recipes/articles/indonesiandrin041607-CR.html

1.      The text tells you ….

             a.            How to mix ice                                          

            b.            About avocado

             c.            How to eat Mixed Ice

            d.            How to make Mixed Ice

2.      You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, except….

            a.            Sugar                                                        

            b.            Avocado

             c.            Ice cubes

            d.            Condensed milk

3.      How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need for one serving ?

             a.                  ½ can                                                    

            b.           1 glass                                                      

             c.           ½ glass

            d.           ¼ glass

4.      How many avocados are used for four servings?

            a.            1/2  avocado 

       b.           11/2 avocados

             c.            1 avocado

            d.             2 avocados

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021

How to make cup of coffee

 How to Make A Cup of Coffee


1. coffee powder

2. sugar

3. a glass of water


1. Boil the water in a pan or pot

2. Prepare a cup

3. Put 2 teaspoons of coffee powder and 2 teaspoons of sugar or as your taste into the cup

4. Then, pour the boiled water into the cup

5. Stir well

6. Wait for about 3 minutes

7. A cup of coffee is ready to serve

How to make seblak

How to make seblak


1. 50 gr raw starch crackers
2. 1 chicken egg, beat
3. 1 stem leek, finely sliced
4. 1 stem celery, finely sliced
5. 1 teaspoon salt
6. 1/2 teaspoon flavoring
7. 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
8. 3 pieces cayenne pepper
9. 2 cloves onion
10. 1 clove garlic
11. 2 finger segments kencur


1. Soak the crackers in hot water until fluffy, then drain and add a little cooking oil s it doesn't stick together
2. Stir in the cayenne pepper, onion, garlic, and kencur 'til smooth
3. Saute the spices that have been blended until fragrant
4. Add sliced leeks and celery, stir well
5. Add the crackers, stir well
6. Ad the beaten eggs, stirring 'em to scrambled eggs
7. Give a little water then add salt and flavoring
8. Stir until the water is reduced or almost evaporated and then add sweet soy sauce
9. Stir until the water runs out
10. Pour the finished Seblak Bandung on a serving plate
11. You can add a springkling of fried onions on top

Senin, 04 Oktober 2021

How to upload video on youtube (Procedure text)


How to Upload Videos to YouTube

Uploading YouTube Video on Desktop: 

1. Sign in to your YouTube account

2. Hit the upload button

3. Select your video type (Public, Private, Unlisted)

4. Manage the upload

5. Choose your thumbnail 

Step 1: Sign in to your YouTube account

In order to upload videos to YouTube, the very first thing you need to do is sign in. The sign-in button is located at the top right corner of the YouTube homepage. If you have multiple accounts registered to one device, you will be asked to choose one to log in to.

Step 2: Hit the upload button

It is a simple step that you will have to follow right after you log in to YouTube. As soon as you enter YouTube, after using your Google account and password for login, you will find the upload button in the top right corner of the screen. Click on this button and it will take you to the dedicated upload page.

Step 3: Select your video type (Public, Private, Unlisted)

Choose your audience. If you wish to make your video available to everyone on YouTube, simply go to the privacy settings and choose the “Public” option from the drop-down menu.

If you do not want your video to be searchable, but still want to be able to easily share a link to it with your friends and family, choose the “Unlisted” option.

Those who wish to keep their video personal can choose the “Private” option from the drop-down menu. You can still share a private video with a limited number of people (as long as they have Google accounts).

The “Scheduled” option is available for choosing a future date and time to make the video available to viewers. Once you have selected your privacy level, simply upload your video from your device storage.

Step 4: Manage the upload

As soon as you have confirmed your video upload, you will find a progress bar on the screen. It will take some time depending on factors such as the resolution of the video and how long it is. In the meanwhile, you can write a title, description and add relevant tags for your video so that YouTube knows what search results to include it in and viewers can find it. Remember that YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the Internet, so take some time to optimize your keywords

Step 5: Choose your thumbnail

Once your video uploading is complete, it is time to choose a creative thumbnail for your video. The system provides you with three options to choose from automatically, all of which will be screenshots from your video. It is usually better to upload your own custom thumbnail, as thumbnails are a very important factor in attracting viewers. Hit the “Done” button or use the “Publish” button to finalize your upload.


Kata Motivasi Hidup

- Beranjaklah dari zona nyamanmu dan lakukanlah perjalanan ke manapun kamu mau - Sahabat adalah mereka yang mau menemanimu bukan atas dasar ...