Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021

How to make seblak

How to make seblak


1. 50 gr raw starch crackers
2. 1 chicken egg, beat
3. 1 stem leek, finely sliced
4. 1 stem celery, finely sliced
5. 1 teaspoon salt
6. 1/2 teaspoon flavoring
7. 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
8. 3 pieces cayenne pepper
9. 2 cloves onion
10. 1 clove garlic
11. 2 finger segments kencur


1. Soak the crackers in hot water until fluffy, then drain and add a little cooking oil s it doesn't stick together
2. Stir in the cayenne pepper, onion, garlic, and kencur 'til smooth
3. Saute the spices that have been blended until fragrant
4. Add sliced leeks and celery, stir well
5. Add the crackers, stir well
6. Ad the beaten eggs, stirring 'em to scrambled eggs
7. Give a little water then add salt and flavoring
8. Stir until the water is reduced or almost evaporated and then add sweet soy sauce
9. Stir until the water runs out
10. Pour the finished Seblak Bandung on a serving plate
11. You can add a springkling of fried onions on top

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- Beranjaklah dari zona nyamanmu dan lakukanlah perjalanan ke manapun kamu mau - Sahabat adalah mereka yang mau menemanimu bukan atas dasar ...